About Me

Everyone has their own particular God-given gift in life, and writing is mine. Even though I started writing at an early age, this gift was something I didn’t really take seriously, even when I was approached in college about the possibility of a Journalism scholarship (who’d ever want to write for a living, you know?). In fact, it wasn’t until early adulthood when I really developed a close, personal relationship with God through his Risen Son, Jesus, that I got a little bit of an idea about the gifts that come from God. It would be some years later, when a second go ’round in college found me taking a requisite creative writing course, that I got an idea of what God wanted me to do with my gift. During peer reviews, several of my classmates confided in me that my short story had brought them to tears. It was then and there I realized I should be doing something with the gift the Lord had given me.

I started out by working on that short story with the idea of expanding it into a novel. I had been wrestling with that story, with no intentions of writing Christian fiction, when the inspiration for “The Jesus Rock” came suddenly and was soon followed by the inspiration for “The Trials of Jim Dunning.” Oddly enough, the inspiration for my third novel, “The Mysterious Tunnel,” came to me before the second was completed. It felt kind of strange knowing how the third novel would end before I knew how the second one would, but divine inspiration is a strange and wonderful thing. Maybe someday I’ll get back to that original short story again. You can rest assured it will be very different now if I ever do.

About the Books

I’ve written these books in a style to suit the modern reader. The stories are fast-paced and the chapters are short to match the more intense media experience of today. They’re meant to be easy to sit down for a break or to read in a single day if you really get wrapped up in it (I’ve had more than one reader tell me they had to read a book in one sitting because they couldn’t put it down). I also try to use believable characters people can relate to. If you’re looking for a gentle, light character you can imagine sitting on a puffy cloud or for romance, you’ll have to go elsewhere. I hope you check out the other pages on this site for info on my novels, The Jesus Rock, The Trials of Jim Dunning, The Mysterious Tunnel, Project Soul, and the latest, The Battle. They’ve all touched my heart and soul as I wrote them and I hope they touch your hearts and souls as well.

Thanks for stopping in! Have a great day and be blessed!
D.L. Ford

If you have questions or just want to say “hello,” you can contact me at:


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